Encyclopaedia of Pakistan (Art and Culture), EPUB eBook

Encyclopaedia of Pakistan (Art and Culture) EPUB


  • Information


Once part and parcel of greater India. Pakistan was carved out from It on August 14.1947 and came to be known a Islamic Republic of Pakistan Geographically a small country though, it is one of the important nations of the world ham various dimensions. such at. political, economic, strategic and Bi terms o( nuclear power, etc This multi-volume world has been exclusively) prepared on Pakistan it coven the history of Pakistan-pre-and post-independence-and all the major chant-s (hall mod place In diverse field* it also presents . beautiful picture of the strides, made in the Head of science and technology and a thriving economy.

Prepared with utmost Care this modest work would definitely prove to be an asset for the students, scholars historians, rowdier* and the common readers alike.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Pages:316 pages
  • Publisher:Anmol Publications PVT. LTD.
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9789390398836
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  • Format:EPUB
  • Pages:316 pages
  • Publisher:Anmol Publications PVT. LTD.
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9789390398836