Youth Movements and Generational Politics, 19th-21st Centuries, Hardback Book

Youth Movements and Generational Politics, 19th-21st Centuries Hardback

Edited by Richard G. Braungart, Margaret M. Braungart


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Youth Movements and Generational Politics, 19th–21st Centuries by Richard and Margaret Braungart is a collection of 19 of their previously published research articles on youthful political activism, generational conflict and social change.

After assessing 1960s' student groups on the political left, right and center, generations of youth movement activity are identified in each world region—from the first student movement in Germany in 1815 to the global surge in youth unrest and demonstrations in the 21st century.

Representing more than 50 years of research, youth movements and generational politics are explored from historical, generational and global perspectives.

As a collection, these articles are theoretically grounded, empirically based, interdisciplinary and comparative.

Exploring youth movements at individual, group, societal and international levels, a variety of methodological approaches for studying youth activism are illustrated.

In a concluding chapter, the Braungarts update youth movement activity in the 21st century and discuss how their previous decades of international research informs the global rise in youthful mobilization over politics.

The trends and changes in youth unrest and generational politics are assessed now and into the future. 


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