Music of Del Shannon, EPUB eBook

Music of Del Shannon EPUB


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Charles Westover grew up in a midwestern town, learning to play guitar. The rebellious child would say he would not have kept at it if his father was not opposed to all the racket he made.He joined the Army and shipped off to Europe where he honed his singing and guitar skills.

He returned stateside and took up with a local band while working in a carpet store.

A chance meeting led to writing one of the greatest R&R songs of that era.

Under his stage name, Del Shannon, his record "Runaway,"raced to the very top of the charts and become one of the top records for the year.

He scored many more hit records with his songs as well as becoming a superb interpreter of the hits of others. Legendary, he was the first American singer to record a Beatles song, wrote Peter and Gordon’s “I Go to Pieces”, and produced hits for many singers, including Brian Hyland and Smith.When his career was on the upswing, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer’s life ended tragically.

You’ll want to read The Music of Del Shannon.


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