Shipboard Management, Paperback / softback Book

Shipboard Management Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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Shipboard Management supports students undertaking qualification at all stages of maritime training, enhancing and developing knowledge and understanding of the key issues in the Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations 1997, as subsequently amended by the 2015 Regulations and other legislation. Informed by real-world experience of commercial shipboard operations, Shipboard Management offers an essential study guide addressing the issues which are most frequently confronted in the context of ship management.

It is designed to foster the ability to analyse and apply the dynamics of the legal and operational structures in which the shipboard management team must engage in merchant vessel operations.

Students will progress through increasingly difficult levels of learning activity in order to develop problem-solving abilities.

The text focuses on the application of skills and techniques that are fundamental to commercial shipping and that meet the demands of the Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) Regulations. This will be essential reading for all students and candidates on MCA-accredited Deck training courses, and for seafarers wishing to apply for Certificates of Equivalent Competency.

It is also a key reference for professionals in ship-owning and management companies, and for maritime lawyers.


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