Smokin' Aces, Blu-ray BluRay


  • Information


Joe Carnahan directs this mob drama following a Vegas funnyman who turns snitch against some heavyweight mobsters and needs protecting.

Buddy 'Sarah Aces' Israel (Jeremy Piven) is a comedic Vegas magician who has informed on a notorious mobster.

The call goes in from the mobster that a million dollars goes to anyone who cuts Buddy's heart out and the FBI intercept the call.

Aces is put under the protection of agents Carruthers and Messner (Ray Liotta and Ryan Reynolds) who squirrel the magician away in his own Tahoe retreat.

Before long Tahoe is a parade of hit men and bounty hunters all wanting to cash in on the reward.

Aces is soon wishing he could disappear up his own sleeve and the two hapless agents are no way prepared for an onslaught of this level.


