Advances in Terahertz Technology and Its Applications, Paperback / softback Book

Advances in Terahertz Technology and Its Applications Paperback / softback

Edited by Sudipta Das, N. Anveshkumar, Joydeep Dutta, Arindam Biswas

Paperback / softback

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This book highlights the growing applications of THz technology and various modules used for their successful realization.

The enormous advantages of THz devices like higher resolution, spatial directivity, high-speed communication, greater bandwidth, non-ionizing signal nature and compactness make them useful in various applications like communication, sensing, security, safety, spectroscopy, manufacturing, bio-medical, agriculture, imaging, etc.

Since the THz radiation covers frequencies from 0.1THz to around 10THz and highly attenuated by atmospheric gases, they are used in short-distance applications only.

The book focuses on recent advances and different research issues in terahertz technology and presents theoretical, methodological, well-established and validated empirical works dealing with the different topics.


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