Sheikh, EPUB eBook

Sheikh EPUB

Edited by Raafat Allam


  • Information


The two sheikhs, the two adults, who tired those who came after them from the caliphs; As no one has reached after the era of prophecy, their amount of justice and wisdom: "Abu Bakr Al -Siddiq" and "Omar bin Al -Khattab".

On them, "Taha Hussein" tells us in this book. The author has found that the books of his predecessors went in the history of these two characters and the events of their age, the doctrine of excess and negligence, and other negligence; Some exaggerated their reverence for sanctification, and they conveyed the unreliable accounts of their time and sent them down the status of the fixed facts, while others underestimated them to the extent of denying their achievements or reducing them.

As for Taha Hussein, it is presented with great objectivity and fairness to the aspects of the personalities of Al -Siddiq and Al -Faruq, stable from the correct view of what was transmitted from them the approach that each of them adopted in: governance and politics, upholding the banner of Islam, uniting the word of Muslims, and repeating the arrows of the aggressors and the people of sedition.


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