Words of Life May - August 2012, EPUB eBook

Words of Life May - August 2012 EPUB


  • Information


The theme of WORDS OF LIFE for 2012 is faith. This edition looks at our 'Faith Journey'. Beginning with a series on prayer, we then have the Israelites moving into the Promised Land.

Observing the rise of a united kingdom under King David, we see how human weakness can break even those close to God.

After Ezra's story of reconstruction and regeneration, we consider the question of suffering in the compelling book of Job.

Guest writer Major Sasmoko Hertjahjo (Indonesia) provides a beautiful Pentecost series.

In the New Testament we explore God's story recorded by Matthew, along with the opening of John's Gospel; then, in Acts, see the good news spreading and the Church being started.

In various psalms and proverbs, as well as hymns, we find that our faith journey is both corporate and personal.


