Freed to Greed : How Pentecostals Moved the Goalposts, EPUB eBook

Freed to Greed : How Pentecostals Moved the Goalposts EPUB


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There is a lot going on in Pentecostal churches that troubles many of its adherents.

The prosperity message and miracle by proxy have reached an alarming crescendo.

The deceit of the false prophets is beclouding the work of honest and hardworking shepherds.

Are you concerned?My ultimate passion is to draw from my wealth of experience in Christian leadership to mentor younger leaders and also act as a trumpet to the older generation of Pentecostal leaders.

Put it this way: I am called to raise alarm posts. I see a red flag where many see safety nests. I really do. I am writing this book for the next generation of Christs followers who may never have known a different gospel of enduring hardship, self-denial, stewardship, and suffering for the call, but who were born into this crazed new gospel of wealth, instant miracles, outward show, and the ultimate deception towards hell. There is another way!


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