Teen Obesity : How Schools Can Be the Number One Solution to the Problem, Paperback / softback Book

Teen Obesity : How Schools Can Be the Number One Solution to the Problem Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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There is an epidemic of student obesity in America, and educators are ideally situated to identify, intervene, educate, and support overweight students who are headed for long-term illness or premature death.

Such an effort will require changes in the way that schools operate.

These changes can be implemented with a low-cost budget and by restructuring staff and resources that are currently in place. Fibkins proposes a Circle of Wellness model for schools that includes an intervention effort to promote a health-oriented cafeteria; increased physical activity; healthy levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar; life-skills training groups offered by counselors; outreach to parents; and easy access and referral to community health, mental health, and recreation resources.

Teen Obesity will be of interest to administrators, teachers, and parents. To learn more, visit www.williamfibkins.com.


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