Soccer Dark Arts : Every Crafty Trick in the Book From Time-Wasting Tactics to Devilish Deceptions, PDF eBook

Soccer Dark Arts : Every Crafty Trick in the Book From Time-Wasting Tactics to Devilish Deceptions PDF


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Soccer Dark Arts provides detailed knowledge about crafty, deceitful and outrageous gamesmanship that is unnecessary but sometimes helps teams win matches. From the perspective of an experienced referee, this book outlines 80 soccer tricks, traps and tips used by less sporting players.

These 'dark arts' help give ultracompetitive managers and street-smart players an unfair competitive edge that prevents their opponents from performing at their optimal level. Masters of the dark arts know how to bend the rules, to deceive, to con and ultimately to negatively affect their opponents.

This book highlights the ugly, unpleasant and unsporting aspects of the Beautiful Game so that you won't be deceived by them. Whether you are a player, coach, match official, fan, commentator, journalist or club director, this book is your defence against the dark arts!


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