World Noir: Vol. 1, Blu-ray BluRay

World Noir: Vol. 1 Blu-ray

Directed by Koreyoshi Kurahara


  • Information


Triple collection of foreign noir films. 'I Am Waiting' (1957) follows former boxer Joji Shimaki (Yûjirô Ishihara) and club singer Saeko (Mie Kitahara) who live and work in the same restaurant and begin to fall for each other.

Joji mourns his boxing career, having been disgraced from the sport, and Saeko longs to escape the clutches of the controlling gangsters who dictate her life.

Together they look to find a fresh start, but can they ever really run from their pasts?

In 'Witness in the City' (1959), Pierre Verdier (Jacques Berthier) becomes the subject of a vigilante manhunt when he throws his mistress Jeanne (Françoise Brion) from a moving train, killing her.

Jeanne's husband Ancelin (Lino Ventura) swears to have his vengeance and successfully tracks down Verdier and kills him, but when things do not go to plan he is forced to tie up a series of loose ends with no way of turning back.

Finally, 'The Facts of Murder' (1959) follows Inspector Ciccio Ingravallo (Pietro Germi) as he investigates a burglary and then a murder in two neighbouring homes.

With the thief's identity a mystery and the murderer still at large, could there be a connection between the crimes?


