Made in Hong Kong - The Masters of Cinema Series, Blu-ray BluRay

Made in Hong Kong - The Masters of Cinema Series Blu-ray

Starring Sam Lee, Neiky Yim, Wenbers Li, Amy Tam, Ricky Lau, Leung Chin, Kelvin Chung, Siu Chung, Sang Chan, Tat-Yee Chan

Directed by Fruit Chan


  • Information


Fruit Chan writes and directs this drama set in Hong Kong following the 1997 handover of power from the United Kingdom to mainland China.

When he drops out of high school Autumn Moon (Sam Lee) takes to working as a debt collector for Triad leader Wing (Sang Chan).

However, while going about his daily business Moon falls in love with Ping (Neiky Yim), daughter of one of Wing's debtors, who is suffering from a fatal disease.

Determined to help pay Ping's hospital bills, Moon undertakes a lucrative contract killing.

Following the news that his father has abandoned him and his family for another woman, Moon finds himself growing increasingly angry and frustrated by the limitations of his existence.


