Pregnancy and Parenting : The Ultimate Teen Guide, Hardback Book

Pregnancy and Parenting : The Ultimate Teen Guide Hardback

Part of the It Happened to Me series


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More than 900,000 teenage girls face pregnancies each year.

Almost all of these pregnancies are unplanned, leaving teen moms and dads unprepared for the emotional, physical, and psychological journey ahead of them.

What most parents find as a memorable and positive change in their lives, teens and their families often see as catastrophic and devastating. In Pregnancy and Parenting: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Jessica Akin guides teens through the unique issues and struggles of a life-changing event that can be overwhelming even for a fully mature adult.

Once a teen decides what course to take—between parenting, adoption, or abortion—she must deal with the consequences of her decision, often alone, but sometimes with the father-to-be and other family members.

Topics covered in this book include·breaking the news·choosing the next step·dealing with judgments and criticism·coping with loss·co-parenting·finishing school·life beyond the babyThis book is filled with stories from teen mothers and fathers who faced their unplanned pregnancy head on.

Written without bias or judgement, Pregnancy and Parenting: The Ultimate Teen Guide emphasizes and encourages teens to empower themselves with knowledge and make the best choices and decisions for their individual futures.


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