New York Times Headlines in History Page-A-Day Calendar 2024 : 365 Remarkable Stories from The Times Archives, Calendar Book

New York Times Headlines in History Page-A-Day Calendar 2024 : 365 Remarkable Stories from The Times Archives Calendar


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Imagine a time machine, right on your desktop, that takes you back to some of the most fascinating, important-and sometimes forgotten-events in history through actual New York Times headlines.

Here are notable moments in sports: 61,808 Fans Roar Tribute to Gehrig (July 5, 1939).

Medical mysteries solved: Scientists Link the Legion Disease to a Hitherto Unknown Bacterium (January 19, 1977).

Civil rights milestones: Harvard Law Will Admit Women (October 10, 1949). And human-interest stories beyond our wildest dreams: Driver Heir to $5,000,000 (September 14, 1907), about an American railroad worker who unexpectedly inherited his wealthy British granduncle's fortune!

Each day's headline is accompanied by a detailed caption that provides historical context around the event.

For history lovers, there's no better gift. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.


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