Spirituality for Ministry : Seven Perspectives, EPUB eBook

Spirituality for Ministry : Seven Perspectives EPUB

Edited by Karen Sue Smith


  • Information


The topic of ministerial spirituality engages two important contemporary movements: the remarkably growing interest in spiritual matters and the dramatic increase in the number of lay Catholics involved in ministry. This work includes seven perspectives from leading scholars on themes relating spirituality and ministry. "A life-giving, sustaining spirituality of ministry needs to remind us daily that what we are really looking for is to hear God pronounce our name in love. In the end, that is the only real fuel for ministry. Only when we affectively know God's love will we no longer feel the need to prove ourselves. Only then will we be able to make ourselves vulnerable and begin to 'make love to the song!'"Paperback


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Liguori Publications
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9780764865411
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  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Liguori Publications
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9780764865411