The Birth of a Nation, Blu-ray BluRay


  • Information


D.W. Griffith co-writes and directs this epic and controversial account of the American Civil War and its aftermath.

It tells the story of two families, the pro-Union Stonemans from the North and the pro-Confederacy Camerons from the South, and the way in which they are both caught up in the turmoil which befalls a sleepy Deep South town when Northern Abolitionists threaten to outlaw the slave trade which has existed there for years.

Things go from bad to worse when Ben Cameron (Henry B.

Walthall)'s little sister dies at the hands of Gus (Walter Long), a black farmhand, and Ben dons a Ku Klux Klan mask both to avenge her death and to come to the rescue of his beloved girlfriend Elsie (Lillian Gish), who has been kidnapped by a corrupt mixed-race governor.


