The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn, DVD DVD

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn DVD

Starring Daniel Craig, Andy Serkis, Simon Pegg, Jamie Bell, Cary Elwes, Toby Jones, Nick Frost, Tony Curran, Mackenzie Crook, Sebastian Roché, Daniel Mays, Gad Elmaleh

Directed by Steven Spielberg


  • Information


Steven Spielberg brings Hergé's Tintin to the big screen with this animated adventure.

With plot lines drawn from three Tintin stories - 'The Crab With the Golden Claws', 'The Secret of the Unicorn' and 'Red Rackham's Treasure' - the film follows intrepid young reporter Tintin (voiced by Jamie Bell) as he joins forces with Captain Haddock (Andy Serkis) to find the treasure of his ancestor, Sir Francis Haddoque.

A clue hidden inside a model ship bought on a market stall seems to point the way to the treasure.

With the assistance of accident-prone Detectives Thompson and Thomson (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost), Tintin and Haddock set out to solve the mystery.

Needless to say, though, they are not the only ones after the loot.


