The Old Dark House - The Masters of Cinema Series, Blu-ray BluRay

The Old Dark House - The Masters of Cinema Series Blu-ray

Starring Melvyn Douglas, Charles Laughton, Raymond Massey, Boris Karloff, Ernest Thesiger, Lillian Bond, John Dudgeon, Eva Moore, Gloria Stuart, Brember Wills

Directed by James Whale


  • Information


James Whale directs this classic adaptation of J.B.

Priestley's novel in which five people travelling through Wales end up lost and seek sanctuary in an old house.

Upon their arrival they are introduced to the building's owners who appear to be most accommodating to begin with, however, as the evening draws on they realise all is not as it seems.

When lives begin to be claimed and terrifying events take place, can they find and stop the murderer lurking in the house before it's too late?


