Wrath of Dracula, DVD DVD

Wrath of Dracula DVD

Directed by Steve Lawson


  • Information


Steve Lawson writes and directs this British horror starring Hannaj Bang Bendz, Sean Cronin and Mark Topping.

In the year 1897, Mina Harker (Bendz) discovers her missing husband, Jonathan (Dean Marshall) is being held captive in Transylvania by the famous Count Dracula.

Mina boldly decides to leave England for Transylvania, in the hopes of freeing her husband from the terrible Dracula, but she will need the cunning and experience of vampire slayer Van Helsing if she is to survive an encounter with a deadly vampire.

Will Van Helsing's help be enough to help reunite Mina with her husband, or will she become another victim of the terrifying Count Dracula?


