The Fox Family, DVD DVD

The Fox Family DVD

Starring Jung-Woo Ha, Hyeon Ju, Hee-Ra Kim, Ju-yeon Ko, Cheol-min Park, Jun-Gyu Park

Directed by Hyung-gon Lee


  • Information


Black comedy-style musical horror inspired by the Korean legend of 'Kumiho' from director Hyung-gon Lee.

A family of fox spirits, who long to become human, move from their home in the mountains to the city in the hope that finally they will have the chance to make the transformation.

However, in order to do so they must perform a ritual: each family member has to eat a human liver on a particular night during an eclipse which only occurs once every 1000 years.

With only 30 days remaining until the next eclipse, the spirits disguise themselves as a circus troupe and the race begins to find the unwilling human victims before time runs out.


