I Know There Is a God : The Wise, Living, and Loving Watchmaker, Paperback / softback Book

I Know There Is a God : The Wise, Living, and Loving Watchmaker Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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I Know There is a God explores the creation of the world and the role of the Designer God.

The book refutes the arguments of neo-Darwinism and Punctuated Equilibrium; expounds upon Paley's imagery of the watch as evidence that both the watch and the world need a maker; and seeks to answer Nietzsche's question of whether or not the watchmaker is still alive. Drawing from personal experiences, historical texts, and the testimonials of others, author Samuel Sih argues that the Creator God is the God of the Bible and that He is the living God who cares about all things in this world.

For this belief he was imprisoned in China for more than three years.

Yet, this experience did not shake his faith, but strengthened his resolve to learn more of God and faith.

This book is the manifestation of this commitment.


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