Speed/Speed 2 - Cruise Control, DVD  DVD


  • Information


A double bill of the Sandra Bullock action films. In 'Speed', Jack Traven (Keanu Reeves), an LAPD cop on SWAT detail, has a fearless nature and a keen understanding of the criminal mind, but he is also rather reckless.

Together with partner Harry (Jeff Daniels), they rescue a dozen hostages from a booby-trapped elevator rigged by a psychotic ex-cop (Dennis Hopper).

With his plans foiled by Jack, the bomber makes alternative arrangements - rigging a city bus to explode if the speedometer drops below 50 mph.

It's then up to Jack to save the passengers, including feisty Annie (Bullock), the passenger who is forced to take the driving wheel after the driver is shot.

Whilst in 'Speed 2', Bullock returns as Annie Porter, holidaying in the Caribbean on a cruiser with new love Alex Shaw (Jason Patric).

However, embittered computer genius John Geiger (Willem Dafoe) sets the ship on a collision course with a super tanker after planting timers and explosives all over the vessel.

Alex and Annie struggle to save their fellow passengers and themselves in another desperate race against time.


