Mastering Organizational Change Management, Hardback Book

Mastering Organizational Change Management Hardback


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Over the past few decades, we've seen the discipline known as project management (PM) evolve, and witnessed huge growth in its use by organizations to achieve their goals and objectives.

We have also seen a new profession known as business analysis (BA) develop from a variety of work previously performed by project managers, systems analysts, engineers, and other professional roles due to the need to improve the success rates of projects and programs.

With the steady evolution and growth of this new role, we've learned that effective PM and BA collaboration can improve success rates dramatically. More recently, thought leaders and industry insiders have begun to recognize the synergies of these roles with the discipline known as change management, and the opportunity for even success.

Early indications show the success rates for strategic projects using change management regularly average around 70%. Mastering Organizational Change Management provides a practical model for organizational change professionals, senior business analysts, project and program management leaders, and executives to follow in developing and executing any important change initiatives or major enterprise transformation efforts.

It will also show how to measure and analyze the effectiveness of the change initiatives and the activities used to achieve successful results. Key Features* Identifies the internal and external barriers to successful change with a focus on the human factors, and shows how to gain a thorough understanding of the business ecosystem before planning, initiating, or executing any change effort* Condenses the vast number of root causes for change into a few all-encompassing reasons, including scaling back of operations, continuous improvement, facilitating growth, and mergers and acquisitions* Describes four proven frameworks for managing change-ADKAR, IIEMO, AIDA and the Kotter 8-Step Model-and outlines which framework tends to work best given the barriers to change, business ecosystem, reasons for change, and organizational goals * Covers how to develop and execute a winning organizational change management strategy, including tips, techniques, activities, and key stages for ensuring success * Shows how the principles of gamification can dramatically increase employee engagement during a change initiative* Illustrates how to baseline and measure the success of organizational change initiatives, including how to develop and use a change scorecard for predicting the ability of an organization to make a change, and how to use it to re-evaluate throughout the transformation and when it is completed* WAVTM offers various impact assessment tools, a functional complexity matrix, and a change scorecard template to assist practitioners in evaluating, planning, executing, and measuring the success of an organizational change initiative-available from the Web Added ValueTM Download Resource Center at


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