Realms of Royalty – New Directions in Researching Contemporary European Monarchies, Paperback / softback Book

Realms of Royalty – New Directions in Researching Contemporary European Monarchies Paperback / softback

Part of the Culture & Theory series

Paperback / softback

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Monarchies are facing public demands for modernization and adapting to changing societal, political, and media environments.

This book proposes new directions in the research of contemporary European monarchies and offers innovative perspectives on trans/national royal public interactions and (semi-)fictional representations of monarchs.

Its case studies address historic and recent developments, including newly invented royal traditions, media depictions, Meghan Markle's impact on the image of the British monarchy, and the royal family's role in Brexit negotiations.

With its interdisciplinary analyses, the book reflects current academic, societal, and popular cultural interest in royalty.


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