Life... Before and After Cerebral Palsy : We are Their Voices..., EPUB eBook

Life... Before and After Cerebral Palsy : We are Their Voices... EPUB


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Life before and after Cerebral Palsy: We Are Their Voices is based on real life events. In this story, the author, Tammy, takes us on a whirlwind of events and one heck of a roller-coaster ride. She allows us in her life to show us what it was like being a young, teen mother of a child with a disability. She talks about the trials and tribulations of being a young mother and dealing with diversity and disappointment. She speaks about how what she went through made her into the woman she is today. She shows us that despite all the challenges in life, that you can still live life and not allow the turmoil of life to keep you down. She hopes that by sharing her story, she will help someone to overcome some hardships and look at life differently.


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