Smart irrigation - smart wash : solutions in response to the pandemic crisis in Africa, Paperback / softback Book

Smart irrigation - smart wash : solutions in response to the pandemic crisis in Africa Paperback / softback

Part of the Land and water discussion paper series

Paperback / softback

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This paper seeks to inform discussions on possible relief measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the African continent.

The paper argues that applying a "multiple water use" approach, where water from the same source or infrastructure has multiple uses and functions, would contribute to fighting the pandemic while ensuring basic needs relating to food security in rural communities.

Uncertainties tied to the impacts of COVID-19 on daily life are growing.

These impacts go beyond the well-defined sphere of health risks and have affected livelihoods and food security in several countries.

Irrigation has an important role in improving crop productivity and ensuring food security, but expanding irrigation can affect the availability of water for sanitation and hygiene (WASH), which has a central role in slowing the spread of the disease.

For this reason, irrigation development has to comply with increasingly critical WASH requirements.In line with the concept of multiple water use, the 'SMART irrigation - SMART wash' initiative proposes corporate solutions to enhance both irrigation and the provision of water for sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities to vulnerable communities, thereby responding to critical needs in times of pandemic.


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