Industrial Application of Functional Foods, Ingredients and Nutraceuticals : Extraction, Processing and Formulation of Bioactive Compounds, Paperback / softback Book

Industrial Application of Functional Foods, Ingredients and Nutraceuticals : Extraction, Processing and Formulation of Bioactive Compounds Paperback / softback

Edited by C. (CSIR - National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NII Anandharamakrishnan, Parthasarathi (S. Parthasarathi, Research Officer, Riddet Institute, Massey University Subramanian

Paperback / softback

  • Information


Industrial Application of Functional Foods, Ingredients and Nutraceuticals: Extraction, Processing and Formulation of Bioactive Compounds explains the fundamental concepts and underlying scientific principles of nutrient delivery, nutraceutical processing technologies and potential opportunities in the field of new product development.

The book also includes sections on the extraction and purification of functional ingredients, effective delivery of nutrients, health benefits, safety and regulatory aspects.

Divided in four sections this book provides an up-to-date, highly applicative work that highlights the mechanistic aspects related to the challenges and opportunities associated with developing, delivering and marketing functional foods and nutraceuticals.


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